Glance a few of the new purchases by clicking on the book cover below or to view the full list visit your New Books for Health Sciences & Wellbeing (HSWNEW) Library Reading List.
Remember: to discover further titles within your subject area visit Library Search or, if you have any more suggestions which we do not already have, complete our Suggest a Book form.
The University of Sunderland Library subscribes to a range of ebook providers to give our users access to key texts. Sage Catalyst is one such provider, allowing unlimited access to a huge collection of ebooks across a variety of topics, including Nursing.
If you wish to explore the latest Nursing titles available through Sage Catalyst, you can access it using the database link below.
Sage Catalyst provides unlimited access to over 900 ebook titles covering a range of topics. You will also find ebooks from Sage Catalyst through Library Search.
Once there, you will be taken to a page which lists the subject areas including within the Sage Catalyst collection. Choose 'Nursing' if this is the subject area you wish to explore - don't forget that other disciplines may well be useful for you, so try not to limit yourself too much!
From there you will be taken to a full list of titles, and by default they will be sorted by publication date so you will immediately see the newest titles first. You can then also filter by sub-disciplines if required. Simply click on the books to read them online.