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University Library Services

Study Skills- Academic Writing

A study skills guide to support the development of academic writing skills at university


There are different methods to enable you to plan an effective assignment and they will not all work for everyone. 

It may be useful to try such methods and see what helps you. 

Check the document below and watch the video below to discover more.

Useful Points about Notetaking by University Library Services & Study Skills

By using a mind map you can summarise information that is related to each other in a visual form. 

It may be possible to easily identify connections through the visual medium. Mind maps can be created manually using pens and highlighters or online using specialised software. 

They can be used to help you condense information in sessions or to revise topics for an exam or other assessment. 

Why not watch the video below to learn more about using mind maps? 

Notetaking Methods

A key element relating to planning your assignment is ensuring that your notes are organised and that you can access relevant information from them when needed. 

There are different methods of notetaking including using mind maps as discussed in the section above. 


Cornell notes can be useful for students as the page is divided into three distinct sections with questions, notes and a summary. The notes section is a place for the student to record key facts, dates and information to prompt them later, with any questions presented in the questions section that may allow them to listen actively rather than recording exactly what the lecturer says. 

The summary section can be used after the session where the student can summarise and paraphrase material and ensure that they understand their notes.

It may also be useful to highlight any information that is copied from the lecturer so that students know to paraphrase or summarise the information later. 

Cornell Notes template

Why not watch the video below to discover more about Cornell notetaking and try it out in the activity below?