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University Library Services

Study Skills- Understanding Feedback

A Skills guide focussed on understanding feedback at University.

Why read your feedback?

It may be tempting to read your grade and turn off the computer. 

However, reading your feedback can help to improve understanding for future assignments. By reflecting it may be possible to work on specific areas, ask appropriate questions and make focussed appointments with the Library Skills Team and your module tutor to develop your skills. 

Feelings around feedback

When receiving feedback it may be difficult not to have an emotional response to it. It may come as a surprise or a shock, emotional responses need to be felt and it can be difficult to come to terms with feedback until it has been processed. 

If feedback is not processed a student may avoid reflecting on it all together and purely focus on the negative aspects. 

It is important to remember that feedback on academic work does not comment on you as a person but on the task set. 

It may be useful to think of it in a less personal manner. For example, 'my assignment may not have used evidence effectively' which is less personal than 'I did not use evidence correctly'. 


You can watch a short video below to support with understanding how feedback works.


University of New South Wales Health (2022) Understanding how feedback works. Available at: (Accessed: 15 February 2024).