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University Library Services

Study Skills- Proofreading

A Library Guide to support the proofreading and editing process

Why Proofread?

It is important to leave time for proofreading your work, to check that you have met the criteria, that you have not made any spelling or grammar mistakes or that you have missed anything out. 

It can help to leave work for a few days before proofreading it so that you can spot errors you have missed. 

When proofreading if you notice that you have repeated particular words or phrases you may be concerned that your work repeats and you want to maintain an academic statement. If this is the case it may be useful to look at the Manchester Academic Phrasebank, a website with sections on introductions, conclusions, giving examples and comparing and contrasting text among others to support you to vary your academic language. 

Please see the link below and introductory video to using the Manchester Phrasebank.