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University Library Services

Study Skills- Referencing

A guide to referencing and avoiding plagiarism

What is Referencing?

Referencing is when you acknowledge that the idea used in your work was originally inspired by another person. By referencing your sources you are indicating to your lecturer that you have read widely, considered different perspectives and have put forward a well reasoned argument that is founded in knowledge from literature.

Check out the video below to support you with using Cite Them Right Online when referencing at university. 


The format of your references will vary depending on the source you are referencing and the referencing style used. For example, in Harvard Referencing, using Cite Them Right Online a book reference would involve looking at the title, year, publisher, edition and place it was published and displaying the information in the correct format. 

However, if you were referencing an Act of Parliament in Harvard style you may look at a chapter in a book or web page. It is important to look at the appropriate web page on Cite them Right Online to correctly reference the source.

If you are at all unsure, ask questions on the Study Skills Drop in on the Library website each weekday at the times stated on the website. 

Test yourself: What type of source is being referenced in Harvard style in the example below?

When referencing it is important to format your references in the correct format for the source. Sources that you may use in your assignment include books, academic journals and trusted websites. The Padlet below includes details of three sources and a link to the appropriate page on Cite Them Right Online. You may need to log into Cite Them Right Online with your single sign on information to access the links to referencing formatting examples. Why not have a go at formatting the sources below?

Made with Padlet


Cite Them Right Online (ND) Cite them right online. Available at: to an external site. (Accessed: 31 July 2023). 

Cottrell, S. (2017) Critical thinking skills: effective analysis and reflection. 3rd edn. London: Palgrave.