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University Library Services

Subject Guide: Computer Science

This guide brings together library resources for your studies and research. Use these resources alongside your recommended reading from your tutors to extend your research into new areas

Accessing for the first time

The first time you access O'Reilly - by clicking through from an item you find in Library Search or browsing directly in the database -  you are asked to enter your email. This must be your university email to authenticate you as a Sunderland student. You will receive an email inviting you to create a password - please do this as you will need the password to use the app. 

Once you have set the profile up with your email/password  when you are in O'Reilly the profile display will appear as below. Every time you log in to view anything it will save your history and only you can see what you have viewed and saved. 

oreilly profile how it appears on screen