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University Library Services

Reference Management Software

A beginners guide to using reference management software

What are Reference Generators?

Reference generators are tools or software designed to help you create reference lists for your assignments. They format references in your chosen citation style.

Key features of referencing generators 

  • They support multiple citation styles. 
  • Creates references for different types of resources, such as books, journal articles, websites.
  • Manually create and edit references.
  • References can be pasted directly into your documents

The two types of referencing generators listed below:

  • Library Search Cite tool and Quick Cite in Library Reading Lists can generate a reference to paste into your own document. They do not create in-text citations.
  • BibGuru, MyBib and ZBib can generate both in-text citations and references for your reference list. You can also create your full, formatted reference lists within these tools.  

Please note: The tools listed below are a mix of tools bought by the library and freely available tools from the web. There are other free tools available, but the accuracy is often not as good as those we have listed below.

Important note about using reference generators:

Reference generators are helpful tools for creating references, but it's important you always review the references it creates. These tools are not a replacement for knowing how to reference. Use Cite Them Right (link below) to check the references are accurate.

If you have any questions about referencing or using Cite Them Right you can visit one of the Study Skills Drop-Ins or take a look at the Referencing Library Guide (link below).

Reference generator comparison table

Guidance on how to use these generators are below this comparison table.

This table shows some of the reference generators available. Further details of how to use each tool are listed further down the page.

How to use Reference Generators

Library Search "Cite" Tool (links to Library Search on the Library homepage)

Library Search automatically creates a reference for your reference list, it doesn't create the in-text citation. To create a reference:

  1. Search for the book you want to reference
  3. Click on the three dots on the right side of the reference you want to add
  5. Click Citation
  7. Select preferred referencing style from left side options
  9. Click Copy citation to clipboard 
  11. Paste the reference to a Word Document

Screenshot of Library Search "cite" tool


Quick Cite Library Reading List

Library Reading Lists automatically creates a reference for your reference list, it doesn't create the in-text citation. To create a reference:

  1. Access your Library Reading List
  2. Click the three dots on the righthand side of the title you want to add to your reference list
  3. Select "Quick Cite" 
  4. Choose the referencing style
  5. Click "Copy to Clipboard"
  6. Paste the reference to a Word Document



A free website to generate in-text citations and reference lists in a range of referencing styles, no account or sign-in is required to use this tool.

  1. Choose reference style from the list of options
  2. Select your source (eg: article, book, website)
  3. Find the reference by entering the title, ISBN, DOI or URL into the search box
  4. Create the in-text citation by hovering over the reference and selecting the quotation icon
  5. You can update and add page numbers by clicking on the quotation icon again at any time

Screenshot of BibGuru



A free website to generate in-text citations and reference lists in a range of referencing styles, no account or sign-in is required to use this tool.

  1. Select your source (eg: article, book, website)
  2. Find the reference by entering the title, ISBN, DOI or URL into the search box
  3. Choose reference style from the list of options at the top of the page
  4. You can copy the in-text citation by hovering over the reference clicking the 3 dots and and selecting Copy in-text citation 
  5. You can copy the reference by hovering over the reference clicking the 3 dots and and selecting Copy bibliography entry 
  6. You can also download the whole reference list

Screenshot of MyBib



A free citation generator from the creators of Zotero, no account or sign-in is required.

  1. Find the reference by entering the title, ISBN, DOI or URL into the search box
  2. Choose reference style from the options (you'll need to type in the style to find most options first, but it will remember your option the next time you visit the site)
  3. To copy the in-text citation: Click on the quotation marks and add any details, such as page number and click copy citation
  4. To copy the reference: Click on the Copy to clipboard button below the citation
  5. Multiple references can be added to the "bibliography" and the whole list copied at once

Screenshot of ZBib