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University Library Services

Subject Guide: Media and English

This guide brings together library resources for your studies and research. Use these resources alongside your recommended reading from your tutors to extend your research into new areas.

Digital archives and online texts

There are specialist resources available for English and Creative Writing to help you with research and assignments.  These range from subscription databases, open access research, freely available web resources and digital archives (where out of copyright texts, including classic novels, can be found). The links on this page are to freely available digital archives and online texts.

Open access resources for media

film cameraExplore collections of public domain and open access material freely available online for use and reuse suitable for Media, Film, Journalism and Production students.


This is an open archive for Media, Film and Communication Studies. It is a free, community-led digital archive for media, film and communication research aimed at opening up research to a broader readership. Details about the archive are available online.

Tools for academic research on broadcast media

The guide produced by a team from the University of Leicester shares insight into how you can use Box of Broadcasts and TRILT as tools for academic research on broadcast media.