Law Trove is an eBook platform containing over 200 current law textbook titles published by Oxford University Press
Lexis+ UK includes annotated legislation, cases, forms, precedents and commentary. It includes Halsburys Laws, ICLR Law Reports, UK Acts, Statutory Instruments, the Encyclopaedia of Forms & Precedents, definitions of legal terms, over 80 leading journals.
Partner Staff Access:
Available to centres teaching law programmes.
Partner Staff at DEI College and ICBT are able to access Lexis+ UK
Westlaw UK is an online legal information service. It has comprehensive case law, legislation and journal archives and an exclusive collection of news and business information.
Partner Staff Access:
Available to centres teaching law programmes.
The first time you login to Westlaw, you will be prompted to create a 'Thomson Reuters One Pass' account. You need to register with your name and university email address. One Pass allows you to personalise your Westlaw experience (favourites, highlights, notes, email alerts). You should not require a 'Registration Key' - please contactLibrary Talkif you are unable to log in without entering a key.