As a guest, if you are eligible for borrowing rights you can borrow up to four items at a time from our main print collections. Please note that there may be some items that you are not eligible to borrow, such as some audiovisual items and those required for University teaching. If you have a library guest access card, you can use our self-service units to borrow and return items from Library@Murray and St. Peter's Library. If you do not have a guest card, you can borrow items by bringing them to our helpdesks to be manually issued to your account by a member of Library staff.
Want to borrow items from Library@DavidGoldman? As this space is not open to guests, we can retrieve items for you from these collections. Please let us know during your visit if you wish to borrow items from here and Library staff can bring them to St. Peter's Library for you to borrow. If an item is 'reference only' and not for loan, you can consult the item at St. Peter's Library.