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University Library Services

Open Research and Scholarly Communications

Understanding Open Acces, Using SURE as well as a support for academic publishing

What is ORCID and how do I get one?

As a researcher, it is important that you are recognised for all the work you produce. ORCiD is a way to keep all your publications together.

To make sure you are correctly identified and that your publications are all bound together, you can add you ORCiD iD number when you submit your publications to journals, when applying for funding, when adding outputs to our institutional repository (SURE).

It keeps all your work and research activity together and avoids confusion between authors or complications due to name changes.

Why use and ORCiD?

Prof. Angela Smith talks about her experience of using ORDiD. An ORCiD proved highly useful to her as another academic with the same name was working in the same field. Using her ORCiD ensures she can claim her work as her own.