SURE can store and make available almost any research output; from traditional journal articles and books, to exhibitions, policy briefing papers, technical reports, interviews, performances, and podcasts.
Our advice is to include as much information as you can about your output. In the case of a journal article, add everything you'd expect to see in a citation: the title of the article, the journal title, volume number, issue number, page numbers etc. Some fields in the SURE template are marked with a small star, these are mandatory, but the more information you provide when you upload your outputs, the better the record will appear both in SURE, and on your staff profile page.
Here's how a Journal Article should appear in SURE:

The author has provided details of the authors, year of publication, article title, journal title, and the ISSN of the journal; this means SURE has been able to create a full bibliographic record which means the item is easy to cite. There's also an attached PDF of the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM), as well as another PDF of the published version, since this was published in an Open Access journal. Note also, both of these files have an attached Creative Commons license.
As a further example, the video below shows a research output that makes the most of the functionality available to you in SURE. Feel free to refer to this example when you come to add your own work.
If you have any questions though, please do get in touch: