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Research and Scholarly Communications

Understanding Open Acces, Using SURE as well as a support for academic publishing

Glossary of Open Access terminology


Open Access

“copy, use, distribute, transmit and display the work publicly and to make and distribute derivative works, in any digital medium for any responsible purpose, subject to proper attribution of authorship.” cited in Suber, P. (2012). Open Access. MIT Press.


Versions of an article:

Author Accepted Manuscript (AMM):

This is the version of the article after the peer-review process has taken place but before the type-setting has taken place. The author has made corrections post peer-review and the journal accepts this version for publication. There are sometimes minor corrections after this but the text is by and large similar to that being published. This is the version that is most often deposited on SURE.



A version of an article before it is submitted to a journal for review. In some disciplines like chemistry, preprints are common. They are shared on pre-print servers.

Submitted version:

This is the version of your work that you will send to a publisher for review. In some disciplines, these are uploaded to pre-prints servers for early distribution and comments. Some pre-prints servers are starting to offer open peer-review practices.

Version of Record (VoR):

This is the published version of the article that generally sits on the publishers' website. It has gone through peer-review, final corrections and has all the typesetting of the journal.


Types of Open Access:

Green Open Access:

Green Open Access is a free version of Open Access which entails uploading the AMM to an institutional or subject repository.


Gold Open Access:

Gold Open Access incurs the payment of an APC. This is paid to the publisher who makes the VoR Open Access.


Diamond Open Access:

Diamond Open Access, sometimes called platinum Open Access refers to journals or publishers who will make the VoR OA without charges. These rely on alternative modes of funding such as library contributions.


Black/Guerilla Open Access

This refers to ways of making articles OA that is either deliberately challenging the status quo and can be in deliberate breach of copyright or that aims to enable ease of collaboration. It emcompasses practices such as using the controversial Sci Hub platform, as well as to sharing non-OA articles on social networking tools such as Research Gate or It can also refer to the practice of sharing and article with someone at another institution who does not have access to a specific journal or sharing passwords... 

Gratis OA

This version of OA insists on the question of access. It sees OA mainly from the lens of providing access without necessarily enabling re-use rights.

Libre OA

This version of OA insists on the fact that OA is about more than just access. It insists that published scholalry work should be free to re-use for any purpose as long as the work is attributed to its author.


Repositories and pre-print servers

Institutional Repository

An institutional repository is a collection of the publication and research outputs produced by a specific institution. Most UK universities have one.

Pre-print servers

These are servers that allow authors to upload their works before peer-review has taken place. ArXiv was the first pre-print server. They allow the rapid exchange and sharing of new ideas. These were highly used during the COVID pandemic. They tend to have a subject focus.


Subject Specific repository



Charges for Open Access:

Article Development Charge (ADC)

This is a new charge. So far only one publisher is implementing it. This is a reaction to Rights Retention Policies and language on AMM. This charge is set at $2500.


Article Processing Charge (APC)

The amount to pay to publish an article in a journal. Prices vary widely according to publication and can ranger from £1000 to £10,000.


Book Processing Charge (BPC)

The amount to pay to publish as book. Prices vary widely and can range from £4000 to £15000.

Chapter Processing Charge (CPC)

The amount to pay to publish a bok chapter Open Access. Prices vary widely and can range from £500-£6000.


Additional terminology

Rights Retention

Creative Commons Licences